2024 Memorial Day Concert

Thank you to all United States veterans for your service and sacrifice. On this Memorial Day, we honor you and hope you enjoy the concert below.

2023 Holiday Concert

This year's Christmas Concert was a hit! The students performed beautifully. The LCS Rock Band performed every musical number, accompanied by voclists from every class. We would like to thank everyone for coming and supporting LCS!

LCS Middle School Visits Hulbert Outdoor Center 

Hulbert Outdoor Center delivers transformational programming designed to foster personal growth, self-reliance, confidence, cooperation, and a sense of community in people of all ages. Our annual trip for our 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades was an amazing success! The students enjoyed a 3-day stay that included a ropes course, archery, many different team-building activities, gormet meals and much more. We cannot wait until next year's trip!

There were so many fun activities! I learned so much about team-building with my classmates. I really surprised myself on the ropes course.